De grand-père, mes parents ont dépensé tout mon argent pour l’université, mais le karma les a corrigés.

My parents looked regretfully at one other, their expressions contorted into a tortuous mix of sorrow and shame. Desperate, my mother said, “We thought we were doing what was best for the family.” “We could not stand by while your brother suffered; he needed help.”
“Are you truly serious?” I snapped with words full of venom. “His mistakes caused you to sacrifice my future? How would you expose me to this?
Tears started to flood my eyes as the depth of their betrayal overtook me and left me feeling lost and alone in a sea of uncertainty and misery. Once brilliant inside me, my dreams had collapsed at my feet due to the selfishness and neglect of my parents.
And what about my dreams? I demanded, speaking from a great emotional level. And what about the life I had hoped for myself? Was it even anything you considered vital?
My parents said nothing, embarrassed as they were. It was a biting admission of guilt that exposed a lot about their ill-informed priorities and merciless contempt of my hopes and aspirations. Note that I am the only female in my family.
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