De grand-père, mes parents ont dépensé tout mon argent pour l’université, mais le karma les a corrigés.

To my dismay, however, my once-rich account showed no penny at all. When I asked my parents to clarify this incredible betrayal, I was shocked and confused. Their response left me spinning with shock; it was a hard pill to chew, a tale of avarice, favoritism, and selfishness.
It discovered that they had spent all of my education funds to help my brother, who was heavily indebted and had haphazardly squandered his own money on an opulent vehicle and lifestyle. As the truth came to me, I went through a range of intense feelings including resentment, disgust, and a great sense of betrayal.
“With my college money, you rescued him from ruin? I snared, my voice vibrating with a combination of contempt and fury. “You handed it to him like it was nothing, after all the aspirations I put into that money and all I sacrificed?”
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